슬기로운 호주유학 생활

맥콰리 대학교 탐방기 Macquarie University

Macquarie University Open Day Streamed

Saturday 15 August 2020 , 10am – 5pm

시드니 노스 라이드에 위치한 맥콰리 대학에서는 8월 15일 토요일 오전 10시부터 오후 5시까지 스트리밍 오픈데이를 개최할 예정입니다. 현재 대학 홈페이지에서 신청을 받고 있으며 다음과 같은 내용으로 진행될 예정입니다.

  • discover more about single, double, bachelor + master and postgraduate degrees (다양한 학위을 위한 학과선택 방법설명)
  • join live chats and watch videos about some of our most popular courses (인기 학과 비디오와 라이브 쳇)
  • get access to exclusive content (스트리밍 오픈데이 참여자만 얻을수 있는 정보)
  • chat to current students and experts (재학생이 들려주는 학과 이야기)
  • find out how to apply to Macquarie (맥콰리 대학 등록하는 방법)
  • learn more about adjustment factors, Recognised Prior Learning (RPL), scholarships and pathways (입학을 위한 보너스 점수 적용, 학점 인정제도, 장학금과 편입방법 소개)
Open Day Time Schedule
  • 10:00 Welcome from the Vice Chancellor and your Hosts
  • 10:30 How to get into Macquarie
  • 11:00 Our unique approach to industry experience in every degree
  • 11:30 All you need to know about entry schemes and adjustment factors
  • 12:00 Scholarships At Macquarie
  • 12:15 What you need to know about applying through UAC
  • 12:45 How to future-proof yourself: The top labour market trends you need to know
  • 13:15 Meet our successful alumni
  • 13:30 Living on Campus
  • 14:00 Global Leadership Program – developing our future leaders
  • 14:15 Setting you up for success at uni
  • 14:45 Find your tribe – students groups and clubs
  • 15:00 Applying as a non-school applicant
  • 15:30 Developments at Macquarie – bringing the campus to life
  • 16:00 International Students – what you need to know
  • 16:30 Open Day highlights and farewell

맥콰리 대학은 분주한 시드니 시내에서 떨어진 노스 라이드 지역에 넓은 부지의 캠퍼스와 현대적 시설을 갖추고 실용적인 학위 구성으로 높은 취업률을 자랑하기에 호주 학생들에게 인기가 있는 대학입니다.

11학년 성적이 우수한 학생들을 위한 수시 입학제도가 있어 12학년 수능 (HSC Exam)을 치르기 전에 합격여부를 알고 수능을 치르는 것이 가능합니다. 12학년 5월경부터 8월 사이에 지원할 수 있으며 지원서에는 자기 소개서와 리더쉽 관련 활동을 기록하는 것이 장려됩니다.

시드니 맥콰리 대학의 조기입학(Early Entry)에 대하여- 지원자격과 지망학과 알아보기

한국인 유학생을 위한 장학금 연간 $10000 혜택받기

  • 대상 자격: 학사 또는 대학원 과정을 지원후 오퍼를 받은 한국 국적 유학생 (커트라인 점수제한 없음)
  • 코스 과정: 모든 학과
  • 장학 금액: 연간 1만불씩 제공. (1년에 2학기 제도이며 한 학기 학비 지불할때마다 $5000불씩 공제되는 식)
  • 조건: 오퍼 수락과 동시에 학비 지불 만기일을 지킬것. (1학기 학비 마감날짜: 14 December 2020/ 2학기 학비 마감날짜: 31 May 2021)

호주 맥콰리 대학교 프로파일

추천학과 1: 보험 계리학 (Bachelor of Actuarial Studies)

Why Actuarial Studies at Macquarie?

1) We’re recognised as a world leader in actuarial education and the longest-running actuarial degree in Australia.
2) Our Actuarial Studies course has been accredited by the Actuaries Institute since 1969 – the first in the world to be professionally accredited. As part of the course, you may be able to complete part, or all, of Parts 1 and 2 of the Actuaries Institute’s professional requirements.
3) Macquarie is designated as a Centre of Actuarial Excellence by the US-Based Society of Actuaries.
4) Our graduates pursue careers with organisations such as Macquarie Group, Ernst & Young, JP Morgan, Quantium, Finity Consulting, TAL, NDIS, PwC and Zurich Insurance.
5) In your final year of a Macquarie Actuarial Studies degree, you will undertake actuarial projects on insurance liability and risk. Giving you the practical skills required for a potential career pathway as a qualified actuary.

How do I become an actuary?

You would need to complete a Bachelor of Actuarial studies or Bachelor of Actuarial Studies with Professional Practice (Honours). If you complete it with grades of credit or above (65% or above) in the relevant units, you are eligible to apply for exemption from the corresponding foundation level professional examinations.

What is the difference between the Bachelor of Actuarial Studies and Bachelor of Actuarial Studies with Professional Practice (Honours)?

The Bachelor of Actuarial Studies is a professionally accredited course, you’ll learn how to apply mathematical, statistical, economic and financial analysis to a range of practical problems in long-term risk management, finance and insurance. Comparatively, our Actuarial Studies Co-op Program is a highly competitive honours degree (1 year longer) in which you’ll alternate between classroom studies and workplace experience in the form of three placements of three to six months each. You’ll develop professional skills and networks across different workplace settings and apply skills you learn in the classroom to practical contexts. You will also receive a scholarship for the duration of your degree.

추천학과 2: 사이버 보안학 (Bachelor of Cyber Security & Master of IT in Cyber Security)

  • 2020년 신생학과. 입학점수 ATAR 85이상. 학부에서 대학원 과정으로 넘어갈때 학부성적 평균 75점 이상이어야 대학원 과정 진학 가능.
  • 학업기간: 학부와 대학원 과정을 패키지로 총 4년만에 졸업
  • 학사 과정에서는 응용 암호화, 윤리적 해킹, 디지털 포렌식, 보안 애플리케이션 개발, 데이터 개인 정보 보호 및 정보 보안, 관리 등의 주제를 검토하면서 사이버 보안의 기술적 측면에 집중.
  • 프로그래밍, 데이터베이스, 웹 기술, 네트워킹 및 보안 연구와 같은 영역에서 사회 정치적 관점에서 기초 기술을 개발.
  • 보안에 중점을 둔 실제 문제를 해결하기위한 산업 기반 프로젝트를 수행.
  • 석사 과정에서는 해커 톤과 같은 활동에 참여할 수있는 기회가 주어지며, 이를 통해 지식을 실제 문제에 통합하고 적용하면서 사이버 보안 기술, 정책에 초점을 맞춤.
  • Optus Macquarie University Cyber Security Hub에서 실습을 통해 주요 기업과 협력하여 실제 사이버 보안 과제를 해결하는 기회를 갖음.


What do the Bachelor of Security Studies and Masters of Intelligence look like? What type of careers would this set you up for?

The Bachelor of Security Studies gives a great overview of a broad range of areas within security studies, such as cybersecurity, intelligence, defence studies and more. It alone has great career prospects, with 87% of our graduates employed within a few months, in cybersecurity roles in airlines, the police force (NSW, AFP), defence forces and more. If you are more focused on the intelligence aspect of this, you can choose to study the Master of Intelligence by applying for the Bachelor plus Masters degree. This gives you the opportunity to study a leadership unit. You can also apply for the Masters degree upon completing your Bachelor degree, although the leadership unit is only available to those studying the combined Bachelor plus Masters degree.

I’m interested in Security Studies. Would you recommend doing this degree alongside another Bachelors or Masters in terms of broadening career opportunities?

That is totally up to you! If you have an interest in another degree, then I would absolutely recommend doing a double degree, as it can broaden those career opportunities. However, if that other degree is something you are not interested in, it might become tedious to complete. Some good combinations are our Bachelor of Security Studies and Bachelor of Business Analytics, our Bachelor of Security Studies and Bachelor of Laws or our Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Security Studies, or, if you want to study a language and improve your global employability, Bachelor of Security Studies and Bachelor of International Studies. It really depends on your interests and ambitions.

What can I study at Macquarie if I’m interested in forensic science (criminology/criminal justice)?

Under the Bachelor of Laws you study a specific unit called, “Criminal Justice”. If you don’t study the Bachelor of Laws there is also the option to study Criminal Justice topics under the Bachelor of Arts with a major in Criminology or a Bachelor of Social Science with a major in Criminology.

I am considering working overseas after my studies. Would you know if these degrees would be recognised by international institutions or are they more suitable for people who wish to remain in the Australian intelligence field?

This is a difficult question as it would likely depend on what industry and country you are planning on going into due to differing regulations. Your degree will primarily focus on the security of Australia but that wouldn’t limit you from working overseas as the skills you will learn in terms of critical thinking, problem solving and more will be transferable to any situation. For example, many multinational corporations look to hire people with skills in areas such as cybersecurity or intelligence all over the world. It might be a good idea to look up specific job listings or industries you are interested in overseas and seeing if they would match up with the degree that you would get here at Macquarie.

I’m interested in working in the intelligence and counter terrorism field. What exchange opprtunities are there with foreign universities for these programs?

You will have the opportunity to incorporate exchange into your degree at Macquarie. Many students doing security studies have gone on exchange to partner universities in countries such as Indonesia and Singapore. More information about our partner universities and the programs on offer to study can be found on our website.

What’s the difference between the Bachelor of Cyber Security and Bachelor of Information Technology majoring in Cybersecurity?

The Bachelor of Cyber Security encourages students to go a lot more in depth into subject areas, such as cybercrime and cybersecurity. In comparison, the Bachelor of Information Technology is a more general degree where you learn the basics and foundation of information technology, and over time you will gain a broader perspective beyond the cybersecurity area alone.

Does the Bachelor of Cyber Security and Master of Information Technology in Cyber Security degree look heavily into computer programming and mathematics?

The Bachelor of Cyber Security is designed to give you the technical skills to work in tackling cybercrime. It’s got a mixture of information technology, business and policy to make sure that no matter where you end up, you can adapt to the ever-changing industry.

What are the benefits of doing a double degree?

By undertaking one of our double bachelor degrees, you can feed your curiosity, look at things from multiple perspectives, and double your knowledge in two complementary or completely different areas – all while gaining a high-quality qualification. Some benefits of completing a double degree include:
– Double degrees fast-track your study – you usually complete double degrees one or even two years faster than you would undertaking both degrees on their own. This not only saves you time but money as well.
– Double degrees are an excellent choice if you have two distinct passions or if you have career aspirations that combine two different fields.
– Double degrees can increase your career flexibility and lead to greater employment prospects.

추천학과 3: 임상학 (Bachelor of Clinical Science)

  • 학업기간: 총 2년 학사과정
  • 지원 적합대상: 대학원 과정으로 의학, 물리치료학, 치의학 등을 전공할 학생이 GAMSAT과 인터뷰를 준비할 과정으로 공부하기 최적인 학과
  • 지원 성적: ATAR 90점 이상
  • 맥콰리 대학 Doctor of Medicine 진학시 3프로 GPA 보너스 점수, 연간 3만불어치의 장학금 지원자격 제공, 20군데 인터뷰 기회 제공 등의 혜택


Do you need to do the UCAT to study the Bachelor of Clinical Science?

No. The UCAT is only required to study undergraduate medicine (an MBBS). To study the Bachelor of Clinical Science please apply through UAC. If applying for the Doctor of Medicine after completing a Bachelor of Clinical Science, students will need to undertake the GAMSAT and meet minimum requirements.

Are you a doctor after you study the Bachelor of Clinical Science?

No, if you would like to practise as a doctor in Australia you will need to complete a degree that is recognised by the Australian Medical Council (AMC), for example, Macquarie’s Doctor of Medicine. However, the Bachelor of Clinical Science is ideal preparation for postgraduate medicine degrees and offers distinct advantages if you wish to apply for the Macquarie MD, including:

– A three per cent bonus automatically applied to weighted GPA;
– 20 interview places reserved for Bachelor of Clinical Science graduates;
– Eligibility to apply for a Macquarie University Bachelor of Clinical Science graduate scholarship – up to five scholarships worth AU$30,000 for each year of the medical course are available;
– Automatic completion of prerequisite study through core units.

Is it possible to do a Clinical Science double degree?

Clinical Science is only offered as a single degree given its accelerated and intensive nature.

How many students are offered a spot in postgraduate medicine each year? Is it very challenging to get an offer?

We have a yearly cohort of 60 students for our Macquarie Doctor of Medicine. It is a highly competitive process to receive an offer.

추천학과 4: 척추교정학 (Bachelor of Chiropractic Science)

Kate Koo

Sydney based Qualified Education Agent (No.G115) and Tourism Australia Aussie Specialist

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