호주 교육뉴스

애들레이드 유학생을 위한 Covid-19 재정 지원금 $500

팬데믹으로 인해 호주에서 공부하고 있는 유학생들이 고국으로 돌아가는 상황이 생겨 안타까운 마음입니다. 자국민의 안전을 우선으로 보호하는 정책을 펼치고 있는 스콧 모리슨 (Scott Morrison) 정부의 발언으로 앞으로 귀국을 결심할 유학생 수가 더 늘어날 것으로 예상되어요.

이런 상황에서 유학생 도시로 홍보가 잘되어 있는 애들레이드가 있는 사우스 호주 주 정부가 유학생 지원정책에 먼저 나섰습니다. 저는 오늘 뉴스에서 소식을 듣자마자 현재 아들레이드에서 요리공부를 하고 있는 학생분께 지원금 소식을 알려 드렸습니다. 호주시민에게 주는 지원금에 비하면 크지 않은 금액이지만 소외되지 않은 느낌이 든다며 감사해 하셨어요.

이번 정책을 시작으로 다른 주에서도 유학생 또는 임시비자 소지자들을 위한 다양한 지원책이 많이 나와 고국에서 걱정하실 부모님들의 염려를 조금이나마 해소하고 위로와 안도가 되기를 희망합니다.

아래는 남호주 주정부 발표 뉴스 본문내용입니다.

Adelaide International Student Support Package

A $500 emergency cash grant will be available to other international students not studying at one of the public universities, currently enrolled in a course, living in Adelaide and who meet the criteria. 

$13.8 million support for international students in Adelaide affected by COVID-19

The South Australian Government has demonstrated its commitment to our international student community today, by announcing a new $13.8 million International Student Support Package. 
This package is designed to support international students currently residing in South Australia and facing financial hardship. 

There are three components to the package:

1)  The South Australian Government, in partnership with the state’s three public universities, will match funding to alleviate student hardship as a result of COVID-19. The funding will be distributed between Flinders University, The University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia to distribute to their pathway and international students. 

2)  A $500 emergency cash grant will be available to other international students not studying at one of the public universities, currently enrolled in a course, living in Adelaide and who meet the criteria. 

3)  For school students living with South Australian families, a one-off $200 COVID-19 assistance payment per student will be provided to homestay families, to help support accommodation for school students. 

This significant financial package comes on top of work already underway by education providers, agents and community groups in Adelaide.  We are proud of the response across the Adelaide community in supporting international students during this pandemic.  Students choose to live in Adelaide in part for our welcoming and friendly people and the past few weeks have reaffirmed this wonderful aspect of our community. 

For more information, including FAQs and for your students to register for updates on the application process visit studyadelaide.com/issp 

Kate Koo

Sydney based Qualified Education Agent (No.G115) and Tourism Australia Aussie Specialist

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