시드니 테크놀로지 대학-스터디 투어 시드니 블로그
슬기로운 호주유학 생활

테크놀러지 시드니 대학교 탐방기 University of Technology Sydney

Open Week (31 August – 5 September)

  • University of Technology Sydney는 세계 랭킹에서 끊임없는 향상을 계속하고 있으며, 세계 194 위에서 34 계단 뛰어 올라 최신 Times Higher Education (THE) 세계 대학 랭킹에서 160 위를 차지했습니다. (호주에서 9 위, THE 세계 랭킹에서 약 200 위)
  • 2020 년 CWTS 라이덴 순위에 따르면, UTS의 리서치 논문은 과학 분야에서 가장 많이 인용되는 출판물의 상위 10 % 중 호주에서 첫번째, 세계에서 54번째로 주목받고 있다고 발표했습니다.
  • “UTS는 이제 선도적인 기술 대학 일뿐만 아니라 우리 자신의 중요한 연구 기관으로도 인정 받고 있습니다. 우리의 연구 품질과 결과물을 향상시키는 것은 계획적인 전략의 일부였지만, 국제 협력을 포함하여 수년에 걸쳐 직원들의 지속적인 노력 덕분에 일어났습니다. 이 뛰어난 결과를 축하합니다. 이것은 우리 졸업생들에게도 좋은 소식입니다. UTS의 명성이 높아지면서 호주 내외에서 자격증에 대한 인식이 계속해서 향상되고 있습니다.”- by Acting Vice-Chancellor Professor Andrew Parfitt

추천학과 1: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice


5 years full time 


82.55 (Civil and Environmental)
82.55 (Civil)
82.90 (Civil (Structures))
80.15 (Electrical)
78.25 (Electronic)
82.45 (Mechanical)
77.55 (Data)
82.45 (Software)
82.90 (Civil (Construction))
77.45 (General degree, no major)
85.80 (Mechanical and Mechatronic)
86.10 (Biomedical)

UTS 엔지니어링 학사코스 가이드북 2021

추천학과 2: Bachelor of Information Technology Co-operative Scholarship

  • IT 협력 장학금 학사 기간: 3 년 과정
  • 장학금: 총 $ 49,500
  • 차세대 IT 및 비즈니스 리더를 멘토링하도록 설계된 인텐시브 과정. 리더십 잠재력을 활용하여 기술 및 비즈니스 기술을 동등하게 구축하는 것을 목표로 함.
  • 6 개월 동안 두 번의 산업 배치를 완료하여 실무에서 실습. 연간 최대 40여기 일자리 제공.
  • 다른 높은 성취 자들과 함께 일을 하면서 강력한 전문 네트워크 구축.
  • 학업과정 수료후 취업 고용률 100%

추천학과 3: Bachelor of Accounting Co-operative Scholarship

UTS Accounting Program Sponsors


In 2021 students in the Bachelor of Accounting program will receive a scholarship valued at:

  • $16,500 for the first year of the course;
  • $17,000 for the second year of the course; and
  • $9,000 for the first half of the third year of the course.

Full-time work training

Students in the Bachelor of Accounting program spend only 2 out of their 3 years attending classes at university. The other year is made up of full-time work training with one of the many sponsor organisations. This year is split into two separate half-years or semesters, to allow each student to experience two different business environments. Internship 1 is in the second half of the first year of the course; Internship 2 is in the first half of the final year of the course.

During the first Internship students complete para-professional assignments within different accounting functions. As a first-year student you don’t have a lot of learning behind you, but you stand to gain a great deal from your first exposure to the world of big business. The exact nature of your work experience will naturally vary depending on the type of organisation you work for – whether it be insurance, banking, manufacturing, communications, government or retail.

As a third-year student, in the second Internship, you can expect to be working on higher level accounting projects. Sponsor organisations will often have a special job or project in mind which they can hand to a Bachelor of Accounting student, particularly as this fits in with one of the major assignments to be completed for their final year subjects. Large tasks like this are a great challenge to an undergraduate student, and this is your chance to make a real contribution to the management of a large and well-known organisation.

How the Internships Work

Students are asked to nominate their preferred placement for an upcoming Internship. Placements are allocated by UTS based on the best fit of student to organisation, taking into account student interest and performance and the corporate environment and particular work experience offered by each sponsor.

Sponsors are asked to plan a schedule of appropriate work training for each student placed within their organisation. This may involve a rotation around different departments and/or a rotation around different work assignments within the one division. The key is planning, so that the student gets a wide variety of business experience within each 6-month placement.

Students typically work 9-to-5, Monday-to-Friday for the duration of the Internship, although flexible arrangements are common to accommodate periods of high activity. An orientation / introduction to the organisation and its expected standards is provided when a student first reports for work at the start of the Internship.

Most of our current sponsors have their head offices in the CBD, with others at North Sydney, Northmead and Sydney Olympic Park. This is where students will spend much of their time during the Internship, although in many cases sponsors will try to give students some experience outside of head office at other offices or plants.

Students continue to study during the Internship, typically on one major work-integrated project and one subject studied one evening a week. The work of students in the project subjects is directly related to the work they are performing for their sponsors, and aims to add real value to those organisations involved. During their first Internship, students are given a half-day of study leave each week in order to work on these university subjects.

At the end of the Internship sponsor supervisor(s) are asked to submit a formal evaluation of the student, and each student is asked to report on their experiences during the Internship. This feedback is an important part of the continuing development and improvement of the Internships.

An important point to note is that most of our sponsors have a continual student presence at their workplace; as soon as one Internship is finished, another student (from a different year) will be starting the next Internship. This means that Bachelor of Accounting students are relied on as a permanent source of accounting talent, able to fill in for absent employees or fill a permanent student trainee role in the organisation.

추천학과 4: Bachelor of Nursing


78.95 (full time)
82.20 (part time)


3 years full time
6 years part time

2021년도 UTS 장학금 정보

Kate Koo

Sydney based Qualified Education Agent (No.G115) and Tourism Australia Aussie Specialist

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